Christmas tag

'Tis the most wonderful time of the year... I am SO excited for Christmas, and for the start of December... (so I can bite into my chocolate advent calendar... no joke, but there are also other things that I look forward to in December). What better way to get into the Christmas spirit than to do a Christmas tag! I actually haven't done one on my blog yet, so it is definitely high time! (these questions are from The Enthusiast blog - credit where it's due!)


1. What is your favorite Christmas film?
That is a difficult question as I have so many. However,  if I had to choose one, I would probably say Love Actually - I have to watch it every Christmas without fail! I also really like The Snowman, it's a Christmas eve tradition!

2. Have you ever had a White Christmas?
Having grown up in Finland, most of my Christmases have been white. It's not a given nowadays though, there hasn't been much snow for the past 3-4 years (damn you climate change!). But I definitely remember childhood Christmases with stacks of snow everywhere - so beautiful! And it still doesn't quite feel like Christmas to me if there's no snow.

3. Where do you usually spend your holiday?
I usually spend Christmas and New Year's at home - my parents have been divorced since I was 3, so I alternated between my mum's and my dad's house when I was younger. Nowadays I spend it at my mum's, and visit my dad for a day. However, this is the first year I'll spend my Christmas in the UK, at my boyfriend's parents' house.

4. What is your favorite Christmas song?
Again, difficult choice! I love Mariah Carey's "All I Want for Christmas", Slade's "Merry Christmas Everyone", Wizzard's "I Wish It Could be Christmas Everyday" and Michael Buble's "Christmas (Baby Please Come Home)". Please don't make me choose!

5. Do you open any presents on Christmas Eve?
In Finland, the tradition is to open all presents on Christmas Eve... so yes! But this year, as I'll be spending Christmas in the UK, I assume I'll be opening them on Christmas Day.

6. Can you name all of Santa’s reindeer?
Okay... Rudolph, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid...I'm missing one?? (edit: there are 9?? Anyway, I missed Donner, Dasher and Blitzen)

7. What holiday traditions are you looking forward to most this year?
Putting up the tree, buying and wrapping presents, having mulled wine and gingerbread cookies, going to the Christmas markets, opening my advent calendar... In short, a lot!!

8. Is your Christmas tree real or fake?
It has always been real - I used to go to the forest with my dad to pick our tree every year! However, I wouldn't be completely opposed to a fake one.

9. What is your all-time favorite holiday food/sweet treat?
Mulled wine and gingerbread. I also like candy canes!

10. Be honest: do you like giving gifts or receiving gifts better?
Hmmmmm... I would say equal. I really enjoy picking gifts for people and seeing their reaction when they open them (I also really enjoy gift-wrapping and making the presents look extra nice!). However, it's a nice feeling to receive a thoughtful gift from someone, and Christmas time is great for stocking up on essentials.

11. What is the best Christmas gift you’ve ever received?
Probably something I received when I was younger, when I still cared about present a lot (nowadays it's mostly getting to spend time together and the overall ambience!). No special gift stands out, but I remember being very happy when I received a Bratz doll as a Christmas present (any fellow 90s kids here...?)

12. What would be your dream place to visit for the holiday season?
I would love to go to Austria or Germany for the Christmas markets, and also to the Alps to ski.

13. Are you a pro-present wrapper, or do you fail miserably?
I would like to say I'm a pro! I'm definitely quite good, and I really enjoy wrapping (you can always listen to Christmas music or have a Christmas film in the background while you wrap.. Is there anything more festive than that??)

14. Most memorable Holiday moment?
I really couldn't say. I remember my Christmases at my dad's house or my stepdad's parents' house - we would get up in the morning, go get a Christmas tree from the forest and leave it in the sauna room for a few hours to dry from the snow. Then it would be time to watch the Snowman on TV and eat rice porridge with cinnamon and sugar (we always hide an almond in the porridge and whoever gets it will have a lucky year - it's a Finnish tradition). We would watch some more TV in the afternoon and go to the sauna in the evening, have Christmas dinner and then open presents! I have so many warm Christmas memories.

15. When did you realize the truth about Santa?
I don't really remember. My mum told me that me and my sister came back from school one day when we were about 7-8, saying that "the boys at school said that Santa isn't real!" My mum reassured us that of course Santa exists, but I don't think we believed for long after that. I also remember my stepdad being Santa one year, and me and my sister wondered why he sounded so much like our stepdad... My stepdad's mother told us that Santa and the elves can make their voice sound like someone else's, so that children are not afraid of them, and that was a good enough explanation for us!

16. Do you make New Years resolutions? Do you stick to them?
I normally don't. You can actually see my New Years resolutions in a blog post I did back in 2015. Looking back, I don't think I've really kept a single one of them... I don't think New Year's resolutions are a good way to motivate me.

17. What makes the holidays special for you?
Christmas is special to me because I get to spend time with my family (living in separate countries, I don't get many chances anymore). I also just love anything festive, so every year when Christmas time comes around, I cherish the familiarity (watching the same films, listening to the same songs, having the same traditions...). I also really love the calmness and tranquillity - it's the one time of the year everyone gets to do nothing for a few days or weeks. I think my love for Christmas comes from my childhood - Christmas was always the best time of the year, growing up.


These were so fun to answer - I definitely want it to be Christmas now!

I would love it if you answered these questions too - either in the comments, or leave a link to your own blogpost!

Merry December, everyone!



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