July/Summer 2015 Favourites

Hi guys,

I know I'm inexplicably late with this, so I decided to do a bit more of a general Favourites this time and include some of my favourites for the summer of 2015. Some of these things are specific to July though :)

I'll start with the beauty items. I've been really into body scrubs this summer, I think it is one of the best ways to get super soft skin. Even if you use a body lotion daily, it will not sink in as well if you do not get rid of the old skin cells first with a scrub. During the winter, my skin gets quite dry so I don't want to be so rigorous, but in the summer a body scrub is a must for me :) My current favourite scrub is the Soap&Glory Breakfast Scrub, it smells deliciously of coffee :)

Secondly, I've loved using a lavender coloured nail polish from Essie this summer, called Lapiz of Luxury. It is such a nice summery colour but a bit more interesting and edgier, in my opinion, than a classic red or pink :) It is an amazing colour for the toenails!

I'll report back on one item I've recently hauled. It's the Sanctuary Spa Body Lotion 24 Hour Moisturisation (you can see a picture of it here). I will be honest and say I haven't seen that it does a massive difference to my skin circulation like it promised. It might be doing something good, I just don't see any difference to how my skin used to be :) But, the reason I'm including it in my favourites is the scent (and there's nothing wrong with the product itself either, it does a good job of keeping my skin moisturised!). The scent is very fresh (I think because of the ginger) but also spa-like, and it smells very expensive, if that makes any sense to you. It smells exactly like I want to smell like to my children when I am a mother. It is a good mother scent, in short. That probably sounds very weird, but that's what I thought the first time I used it! :D

In terms of clothes, there hasn't really been any one item of clothing that would have really stood out to me this summer, I've been using my clothes pretty evenly. That said, there is one top that I hauled from New Look in the beginning of the summer that I've found myself reaching for more often than the others. If you want to take a look at the top, you can find it in this haul. I feel like the top is perfect for both warm days when you can wear it with shorts and cooler days to wear with jeans or leggings, or even under a cardigan, a hoodie or a jacket. Thus, I'm sure I'll be using this all year round :) I'll also insert a photo of the top "in action", the photo is from Torquay where I went to a sea life centre (hence all the penguins! :D)

I have quite a few cultural favourites. As I previously mentioned, I read Anne of Green Gables earlier this summer, and since then I've really been into rereading children's classics. I've read The Railway Children, and at the moment I'm onto Mary Poppins. I think these kinds of books are very comforting and relaxing to read and not too heavy, but they also include some very wise ideas about life that I'm sure I've missed when I've read them as a child :)

I'm usually a big cinema fan, but recently I haven't been there that often (probably because it is quite expensive in London :/). However, one film that I did go to see and I'd recommend is Magic Mike. I liked the first one, but I have to say the second part is even better. It is not a very serious movie and it doesn't really have any important life lessons, but it is a very nice, funny film to go see with your girl friends, and of course I don't really have anything against good-looking men stripping ;)

Finally, I'm not embarrassed to say that I'm quite into Doctor Who at the moment. I've been watching the show for about a year now and I've gotten to season 7. That is, I've been progressing slowly but surely throughout the year :) I can't wait for the episodes with Jenna Coleman as Clara, I think she is one of the prettiest girls and I'm sure I'll get some styling tips from her :) I love shows where you can look out for outfit ideas while you follow the story line!

That is collectively some of the things I've been loving this summer. I hope you enjoyed it, and maybe you've even loved some of the same things! If you have, please let me know :)

You'll hear from me soon again :)



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