Current Favourites!

As promised, I will be listing some of the new things that I have been trying on recently and have absolutely fell in love with. It won't be too many since I have a feeling I might have quite a lot to say about a few of them and maybe go off on a bit of a tangent, but I have included beauty favourites, "home" favourites and some really random favourites as well! This won't exactly be November favourites since the month is not over yet but you can kind of think of it as one anyway :)

Let's get on with it! :)

I think my absolutely favourite purchase of November has got to be the Naturally Radiant range in Superdrug. I bought the Brightening Hot Cloth Cleanser and the Brightening Day Cream with SPF15, and this range is available in Superdrug (at least, i haven't actually checked elsewhere :D). I was in Chiswick the other day, which is a super cute and green area in London (I might or might not have gone there to catch a glimpse of David Tennant... which didn't happen) and I went in Superdrug kind of in purpose since I usually prefer Boots and just wanted to see what Superdrug has to offer. I'm so happy that I did since I now have Naturally Radiant in my life! (said half exaggeratingly, half I-actually-don't-know-what-I-would-do-without-it-ly). This autumn has been pretty difficult for my skin. I had very bad breakout around my chin in July/August. I have a feeling that might have had something to do with the fact that I moved to London, which is obviously a much bigger city than a Finnish girl is used to with more people and more bacteria, pollutants and exhaust fumes in the air. I started drinking a different type of water and obviously, it was just a big life change. Anyway, I can't entirely blame London since I did make it much worse by picking them (I have now learned a life lesson to always leave breakouts alone) and they left very bad scarring. So during autumn, I have tried many things to improve my skin. I've been eating things with lots of vitamin E (tomatoes, cucumbers, almonds, almond milk) and I've been drinking water with half a lemon squeezed in to prevent any further breakouts and to clear my skin. I also purchased Derma V10 Rescue Oil from Poundland, which is kind of like Bio-Oil but obviously much cheaper, and I didn't really see as quick of an improvement as I wanted. But I think either the Naturally Radiant products have gotten rid of much of the scarring or the other things I've been doing have started to work. Anyhow, I have been using the hot cloth cleanser every night (you wet your face, apply the cleanser in circular motions so you basically spread your makeup across your whole face, soak the cloth in warm water and wipe the makeup away. It actually is just as easy as it sounds, and I've never gotten my eye makeup off as efficiently!). I have actually used the day cream as a night cream since I currently wear a BB cream as foundation and don't really feel the need to put anything under there. But in any case, they have been working an absolute miracle, and as an added bonus the range smells amazing with kiwi fruit, mulberry and sugar beet extracts and cocoa butter! Yum! :)

The second thing I am obsessed with at the moment is a White Company candle. I was in Selfridges the other day getting my festivity on (it is seriously Winter Wonderland in there) and looking at all the amazing things they had in the Christmas section. I just randomly gave the candle a sniff and oh my god! It is literally a relaxing December night with my family in a jar! The scent is called Winter and the box says the it is cinnamon, clove and orange (which sounds amazing enough as it is) but personally for me, it smells just like a warm Christmas berry drink called glögi or glögg that we drink at Christmastime in Finland and probably all the other Nordic countries. It just reminds me of dark and cold nights when I would be inside curled up on the sofa watching TV with my family. Go and give that candle a sniff and see if it rocks your boat like it definitely does mine!

Now on to the random things! I have found a good way to pass time on the tube or when I'm waiting for people (which happens a lot in London since you have to allow a lot of time for your journey in case the tube is not running or it's so packed there's no way you can get in). I'm totally addicted to Temple Run 2 which is just another game you can play on your phone. It is just amazing how fast the time passes when I play it. It is not the most challenging game with only a little of variation and I'm sure i'll get bored of it soon, but currently I get it on every time I have to wait for a tube or a friend for more than 1 minute. I am even at the point where I will pause the game when the tube comes to the platform and continue when I get inside because I don't want to lose a good start....

The final favourite is even more random than Temple Run. I know we are all looking for ways to make everyday chores a bit more fun, and for all fellow people who wash their dishes themselves instead of having a dishwasher (mostly students and Londoners, I hazard to guess) I strongly recommend giving Fairy Citrus Grove a swirl. It smells absolutely amazing, I am not usually the biggest fan of orange/lemon scents and prefer something more sweet, but Citrus Grove is just so refreshing that I have been converted. It does the job as well, so I give it a try next time unless you are really opposed to citrus smells.

I knew I would find a way to make this really long even though there's only 4 products! Have you found any really nice products that have completely surprised you? Also, I want to know if any of you have tried Bio Oil, is it really worth the money? Finally, have you tried the hot cloth type cleansers and what do you think of them? I wanted to give them a try because of all the hype, which i now think is completely deserved.

The next post will probably be Christmas related since it is now officially time to get Christmas crazy (1 month to go!). I might do short OOTDs or FOTDs in between, but what is certain is that you will be hearing from me soon! Have a good start to the week, I hope your weekend was relaxing :)

Love, Maddy-Lou


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