Current Skincare Routine!

I have recently had more problems with my skin than usually, which has meant that I have been putting more effort into having a good and comprehensive skin care regime. Now that my routine might actually be of interest to some, I thought why not share it with you - and just in time for the new year!

To start off, I'll explain my skin type. This is not a professional assessment and is purely based on what I notice going on with my skin. I would classify my skin as "oily to combination". I used to think that I had drier skin and that might have been the case, but now my skin is definitely more prone to get oily and clog up (gross..). I've always had quite large pores on my nose. I'd say the majority of my facial skin (..? can you say that?) is normal apart from my nose that gets oily very easily (that is the part of my face I feel the need to powder at the end of the day). Most of the breakout that I get happens on my chin and around my mouth, even though I don't usually have the problem of oiliness in that area.

At night, my skincare routine starts off with the Naturally Radiant Brightening Hot Cloth cleanser from Superdrug (I talked about the Naturally Radiant range in more detail back in November, you can read the post here if you want). I actually do really like the cleanser, it takes my makeup off better than any cleanser I've used before, it smells really fresh and nice, and is not too expensive at all. I also really enjoy the hot cloth type of cleansers. Then I'll get in the shower and rinse my face with cool-ish water (to be honest, now that it's winter the water that I use is not usually that cool). Right after shower, I use my No7 Soft & Soothed Toner (again, you can read my "review" of it here if anyone's interested). It just feels that the toner does get all the remaining makeup and cleansing product off my face and it also moisturises slightly, or at least does not dry my skin.

I'll leave the toner to "sink in" while I have my dinner and, let's be honest, binge-watch Netflix and/or YouTube. After I've brushed my teeth I'll apply my moisturiser (I feel that if I brush my teeth afterwards I'll waste all the benefits of the moisturiser, probably not true but my brain's stubborn), which at the moment is the day cream in the Naturally Radiant Range. I'll apply my eye cream now as well, which is Lumene Vitamin C+ Pure Radiance Eye Cream (a whole lot of radiance in my skincare! Plus, yay for the first Finnish product!). It's ridiculous, but I've had the 15 ml tube for a year and a half, used it nearly every day and I still haven't run out! You only need the tiniest amount per day. I like the cream because it's not meant to reduce wrinkles (most of the eye creams I find target wrinkles), which I don't yet have and I fear those products would be a waste of money and even not suitable for 22-year-old eyes (that sounds scarier than I thought it would!). At this point, I also like to apply Carmex lip balm which is just the best thing during winter.

This is what I do on a day-to-day basis. Because I have some scars from blemishes from early autumn (yes, that's how long it takes for my scars to fade), I sometimes use the Derma V10 Rescue Oil which is supposed to be kind of like Bio Oil but I got it for a pound in Poundland. I won't use this if I have too many blemished since I don't feel oil is the best thing for them, but I do think this speeds up the process of scar-fading slightly. If my chin is looking very blemished, I'll use the Lush Grease Lightning Spot Treatment, which I haven't found does a massive difference but I like the feeling of it on blemishes (I know I'm weird), it kind of tightens and feels very salicylic acid-y so I'm hoping it's having some placebo effects...

Finally, in the morning I just cleanse my face with an Aveeno Positively Radiant Brightening Cleanser (and so the radiance theme continues.. I actually didn't realise this until now but I'm truly brightness/radiance-obsessed. Apologies for a very one-sided skincare regime). I actually don't really like the smell of this, to me it has smelled like it's gone off ever since I bought it, but I do like that it's brightening (obviously) and that it's moisturising as well, and the text at the back of the tube (bottle?) just grabbed me with promises of improving skin tone, texture and clarity. I actually don't use a moisturiser in the morning at the moment just because I feel that the Aveeno cleanser moisturises slightly and because the foundation I use (NARS Sheer Glow) is very dewy. If I'm not wearing makeup, I'll use the toner after cleansing and maybe use the Naturally Radiant moisturiser just to have some protection on my skin against sun and all the things that float around in the Tube (I don't even want to know).

I'll use a face mask once a week, on average. The one I'm currently using is the Úna Brennan Salicylic Acid Purifying Clay Mask (mentioned in my Black Friday Beauty Haul again) mainly because I am having lots of breakout at the moment. The mask feels very efficient and it certainly promises a lot. The clay does dry very quickly, so after five minutes you'll feel like you've had Botox 10 times, and it becomes quite hard to rinse off, but I do feel that it helps calm my skin and prevent blemishes, just like it promises.

So that's it, my skincare routine explained. Let me know what your skincare staples are and if you have any suggestions for new products to try (I might even venture out of my comfort zone to try something that does not have the words "Radiance" or "Brightening" in the product name! ...maybe). Also, do you always use moisturiser under your foundation, and do you feel that it is necessary? What do you think of using a day cream at night? Are there really differences in the ingredients and their effects, or are day and night creams created to get more money out of us consumers?

I feel like I'm on a roll with this blog again, so you might expect a new post pretty soon! I'm having a busy weekend with friends though, which feels nice after a very slow, albeit relaxing Christmas!



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