Day Out in Wimbledon

I thought it might be fun to do these "day-in-the-life" type posts once in a while, mostly so that I get to put these memories down somewhere and be able to look back on them in the future. And if anyone is interested to see them, that would make it a win-win! :)

I recently spent an afternoon in Wimbledon. I know the movie (ha-ha) but I'm not into tennis. I just kind of thought that there is not much there in Wimbledon apart from the tennis court but oh boy, was I wrong! It is just the cutest and most picturesque village ever. I cannot believe it is actually still London, it felt like a small English village in the countryside. I would most definitely recommend anyone to visit, I'd say you can spend a good 3-4 hours there.

And here are some pictures I took whilst there.

First, an OOTD...

Apparently, there were some stables close to the city centre but I didn't get to see them, they were quite difficult to find, but I still saw these signs around :)

This is what I ate at Costa Coffee, I also had a Black Forest muffin which for some reason I decided to not include in the picture... ("How are those New Year's resolutions?", I hear :D)

Walking around in the fields, I felt like I was in Pride and Prejudice. The mansions in the picture looked like Pemberley as well!

This was just ironic for a Finn. There most definitely was not any ice.

There was also a Buddhist temple that was very difficult to find too.. Maybe I'm used to central London where there are maps and signs everywhere, and then I'm lost when there's not. But apparently, it's the only Buddhist temple in London :)

Finally, I obviously had to visit the courts, you couldn't get inside unless you bought a tour, but I was there nonetheless!

I hope you enjoyed this kind of post, I had a fun day and it's very nice to look back on it in this way :)
I might be doing another one of these since I'm going to Milton Keynes next Saturday (can't wait!). I think I'll do a separate haul post as well in case I find some nice pieces.... which I "just might" do.

Until next time, shouldn't be too long.



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