Personality tests + Self-confidence

My weekend at home went very pleasantly and relaxingly, thank you for asking (I'm sure you would've asked).

This is going to be a bit of a more serious post and something that I feel strongly about, so hopefully it will be interesting to you as well :)

A while ago, around last June, I was introduced to the Myers-Briggs personality test by a friend. The test gives you a 4-letter personality type (there are 16 possibilities overall) that measures different areas of your personality. I had done this personality test and received my 4-letter type back when I was starting university three and half years ago (it was a part of our "orientation to university studies" course) but didn't think much of it at the time and I'm not even 100% sure any more which letter combination I got back then. However, my friend suggested that we do it since she had come across it in her own uni studies and thought it might be fun to compare our personalities in that way.

I ended up getting the letters INTJ (which I do still get when I do the test now, and I have a feeling I got the same type when I first did the test as well). My "moment of revelation" came when I went on to read the personality profile. INTJs are described as scientists or analysts, and I won't go into too much detail in explaining the type since there are 16 personality types overall and the chances that you reading this are the same type as me are 1 in 16 (actually even less than that since INTJ are one of the more rare types). Anyway, let's just say, when I was reading the profile of INTJs and the way they are described to act and think, my own personality, behaviour and preferences made sense to me for the first time in my life.

I think I'll take a few minutes to explain the letters, because they are quite essential in understanding your own personality profile. The first letter, I/E, refers to the attitude towards interacting with other people (introversion/extraversion). For example, I think a good representation of this dimension is whether you "recharge your batteries" by interacting with other people or by being alone. The next dimension, S/N (sensing/intuition) refers to the preference of tangible facts and the present moment (S), or ideas, theories and future (N). The T/F (thinking/feeling) dimension tells whether you value and make decisions based on logic, rules and reason (T) or emotions, harmony and consensus, looking at every situation separately (F). Finally, the J/P dimension, namely Judging or Perception, means that individuals either need rules, routines, organization and plans in their life (J), or are flexible, adaptable and open (P).

I've explained before that I am a very shy person and awkward when it comes to making small talk with strangers or being the centre of attention, and that I actually tire of being with other people pretty easily. I thought there was something wrong with me and that I should force myself to be social and be around other people to get used to it (this probably has something to do with the fact that today's society is very extravert-friendly). However, when I read the INTJ profile, I learned that this is all part of who I am and that there are other people out there that are just like me (although we are all unique, but you know what I mean). To elaborate this a bit more to you, I'll gather some points here that I associated myself particulary strongly with in the INTJ profile description:

  • INTJs are often "bookworms" as children - definitely, definitely, definitely true for me. My parents would agree as well.
  • Open-minded - I definitely don't think of myself as "stubborn" and I find people who stand their ground even though they are proven wrong peculiar.
  • Jack-of-all-trades - I am interested in so many different things and I still don't know what I want to be when I "grow up", and I think these are linked.
  • Arrogant and judgmental - I definitely know that sometimes I judge people very quickly based on a single thing they say or do, and it is very hard for me to change my view of them afterwards. I am one Mr. Darcy!
  • Overly analytical and clueless in human relationships and romance - definitely, definitely, definitely!
  • Feels deeply, but finds it uncomfortable to express those feelings; often suppresses emotions and has no clue how to handle emotionally charged situations.
  • Has just a few good friends and is difficult to become friends with - I've never really had a huge group of friends, but a few very good ones that I truly enjoy spending time with.
  • With people INTJS know and respect, they relax and have a sarcastic sense of humour.
  • In work-life, it is hard for INTJs to make their ideas heard and in their early careers, might need to suffer menial tasks and rejections.

There are definitely parts of the description that I don't identify strongly with, such as being self-confident and decisive, but I think these things show that we are still all individuals and that one description cannot perfectly describe everyone in the same group (there are only 16 groups after all, and I definitely don't think there are only 16 different kinds of people out there). Also, I'm sure the percentages an individual has in regards to the different personality traits has an effect. Personally, I am strongly Introverted (74%), and I definitely know that I need a lot of time to myself to de-stress and that interaction takes a lot of energy for me. I am only slightly Intuitive (10%), and I definitely feel that I value small facts as much as the big picture, and that I am equally present- and future-minded. I am also only slightly Thinking (8%) - I definitely value harmony and want to avoid conflict at any cost. Finally, I am moderately Judging (38%). I feel like I really need organization and routine in my life, and I actually really love making detailed plans both in short and long term. However, I also recognise that I am not inflexible and that I don't really mind things not going according to plan, I just really love making and having plans, even if they fall through :)

Finally, I just want to say that even though I've established my personality type and it definitely made me feel much better about myself in the sense that there is nothing wrong with me and that this is just who I am and it's okay, I do know that I can develop my weaknesses. I definitely know that I need to put some effort into making friends, finding and keeping a partner and advancing in my career. This will mean that I will need to make a conscious effort to be social and to tell people how I feel because they will never find out otherwise. But, the fact that I know this is who I am and that there are also other people who are like this, makes it so much easier for me since I don't have to feel embarrassed anymore and I know what are the points in my personality that need developing.

I'd better stop now. I hope this was useful and interesting and that it might have made anyone reading this want to find out their personality type. I strongly recommend everyone doing the personality test - it really helped me accept who I am, and also giving the other personality profiles a read has definitely helped me understand other people better and make some accommodations. A good, free test can be found here, and after completing the tests you will be taken to the personality types.

If you do do the test, please let me know in the comments what your personality type is and maybe some points in the description that you identified strongly with. I would be amazing to know if there are any INTJs reading this!



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